Monday, January 19, 2009

Grace Flows Downhill

James Proctor wrote a hymn entitled "It is Finished" that has a stanza which speaks to a very real need in my heart. This is because I am a "recovering Pharisee (legalist)" who by default lives by performance rather than by grace. Sometimes I fall off of the wagon by living as if my "doing" secures my "being" forgiven, accepted and loved by God. However, the gospel tells me that my "being" forgiven, accepted and loved comes before any "doing" on my part. I am reconciled to God, accepted, declared righteous and loved, not because of anything good I have done. I do nothing— no thing. Jesus does it all. He does every thing necessary for my salvation as a dearly loved and adopted son. And so if I think my doing either secures or sustains my position before God, my doing becomes deadly. That is why Proctor's hymn helps to set me free, loosening the chains of legalism, guilt and duty. As if speaking to me, he says,
"Lay your deadly doing down
Down at Jesus' feet
And stand in Him, in Him alone,
Wondrously complete."

1 comment:

Rod Entrekin said...

Good word McKay. Good I need to sing to myself and preach to my flock.