Thursday, January 29, 2009

Encouragement for the Dehydrated

Yesterday during the panel discussion at the GCA church planting conference, a question was asked concerning the most critical factor in church planting. Most of us expected the response to be tactical. There must be some magic "how to" that if perfected would guarantee success. The answer was not tactical. Rather, it was devotional. Ted Powers took the mic and said that the most critical factor for the church planter is his own abiding in the Vine/Jesus/the gospel (John 15:4-5). A church planter wants others to receive and rest in the grace of God in the gospel. However, the most important thing is that the church planter himself receive and rest in the grace of God in the gospel. As I reflected on this, I realized that the application is wider than just for a church planter. It applies to every Christian. For example, the most significant factor in the health of my marriage is whether or not I am abiding in Jesus as my righteousness. The same is true for anyone's role as a parent, student, athlete, etc.  For the athlete, an analogy might be hydration. If I am not hydrated, I will become dehydrated and, eventually, will give out on the field. The same is true as a Christian. As one who finds himself dehydrated far too often, I need to be reminded of my desperate, daily need of the hydration of God's love and grace to me in Jesus through his life, death, and resurrection. My greatest need is not primarily tactical, it is devotional. I need the hydration of the beauty, wonder, and power of the gospel. 

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