Saturday, January 10, 2009

Failure is a Wonderful Thing

I think I heard it from Jerry Bridges, who said, "God will not love you more because of your success, and will not love you any less because of your failure." His love is perfect and complete. Steadfast. Unrelenting. That is what the cross says to those who repent and receive the gift of the gospel.

I'm thinking about this because of a recent email that I received from my friend, Dave McCarty. He writes:
"When has success or accomplishment, ever driven me to Jesus? Failure is a wonderful thing, because it makes me Jesus-needy, and all that's required for me to run to Jesus, is for the Spirit to open my eyes, convict me of my sin, of wanting something other than Jesus, so that I come to my senses, and return to Jesus, and find rest for my soul, peace that passes understanding, and joy unspeakable."
He is not saying that we should pursue failure, but that even failure has a redemptive purpose in the hands of a loving Father. It enables me to see my weakness and need, and drives me to Jesus. Good reminder, Dave. Thanks.


Roger said...

Well said, McKay. Until we hit the wall we aren't ready for grace.

McKay Caston said...

Have you noticed how flat my nose is? : )