Monday, March 23, 2009

Road Trip

The Dahlonega Church Plant is going on a road trip to Mississippi this week to see friends and family, and to raise up ministry partners who will support the new church through prayer and with funding. Would like to pray for us? Here's how you can... right now!

"Father, I do pray that you would give the Castons a safe trip to Mississippi this week, and that they would be encouraged by seeing friends and family. I desire with them that you would raise up many people who would share their vision and would partner with them in prayer and with funding."

"Father, although funding is a critical aspect of beginning a new church, I primarily pray for the Caston's hearts. I pray that they would be freshly convicted of their sin and need for a Savior. And I pray that they would believe deeply that they have such a Savior in Jesus, who stands as their righteousness—and that this grace-saturated gospel would provide fuel for their lives and ministry."

"Also, Father, I pray that You would keep the Castons free from worry and fear. Give them gospel peace, joy and hope as they share the vision, not only for a church, but for a life of living out of weakness and need as the chief of sinners so that they might be living examples for others who are in need of the same grace. May they truly live as if the ground really is level at the foot of the cross."

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