Friday, March 20, 2009

Christian Socialism?

Acts 4:32-35 is a remarkable picture of unity and generosity in the lives of the early Christians in Jerusalem. Everyone shared their possessions, and sometimes sold what they had to supply the material needs of other believers. On the surface, it looks a lot like socialism... but it wasn't. Socialism is an imposed, or forced redistribution of wealth. However, no one was forcing these believers to share. Instead, something was compelling them to live in such an unusually generous, counter-cultural way. I think the key is found in verse 33, "With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all." They had believed the testimony about the resurrection of Jesus, an event that confirmed in bold the message of the cross. Jesus had done much more than sell a field, or share a plow. He gave up his life. And in dying as a propitiation for the sins of his people, he delivered them from hell, gave them his very own record of righteousness, provided eternal life and secured for them "an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven..." (1 Peter 1:4) For these early Christians, a living faith in the resurrection gave them a grace-permeated world view that changed everything about what people "naturally" do. Indeed, the reason they lived the way they did was because much grace was upon them all. And that life-transforming, God-glorifying grace was not just for them, but is for all who will believe. Even me.
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