Monday, March 9, 2009

Moment by Moment

The Bible talks about "walking with God." I suppose this means that as I live each day, I am to be in conscious fellowship with him who is with me—really with me, as if we were walking down the road together. It's better than a "Quite Time" (as profitable as focused time with God is).  However, the essence of the Christian life is not checking in with Jesus, but is walking with him, as my friend, Francis Schaeffer, says in True Spirituality, "moment by moment." 
"I became a Christian once for all upon the basis of the finished work of Christ through faith; that is justification. The Christian life, sanctification, operates on the same basis, but moment by moment. There is the same base (Christ's work) and the same instrument (faith); the only difference is that one is once for all and the other is moment by moment... If we try to live the Christian life in our own strength we will have sorrow, but if we live in this way, we will not only serve the Lord, but in place of sorrow, He will be our song. That is the difference. The 'how' of the Christian life is the power of the crucified and risen Lord, through the agency of the indwelling Holy Spirit, by faith moment by moment."
As one who tries so often to live in my own strength (ugh!), I want desperately to abide in Jesus today as my perfect righteousness. I want to experience not only his justifying grace, but also his sustaining, enabling grace as I walk with him by faith, moment by moment, knowing that even if I fail or fall, he is still with me.

As the hymn says, 
"Hallelujah! what a Savior!
 Hallelujah! what a Friend!
 Saving, helping, keeping, loving,
 He is with me to the end."

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