Saturday, May 16, 2009

"A Praying Life" by Paul Miller

Whoa! Paul Miller's newest book, A Praying Life, is hot off the press and is revolutionizing my understanding of prayer... and what it means to live as a Christian, or better, as a dearly loved child of the Father. Get this book. Read it, and re-read it. Wow.

Here are some nuggets from the first few chapters:
  • "Prayer is not the central theme of this book. Getting to know a Person... is the center."

  • For Jesus "prayer is about relationship. When he prays, he is not performing a duty; he is getting close to his Father."

  • "Personal prayer is one of the last great bastions of legalism."

  • "How do we structure our adult conversations? We don't... Why would prayer be any different? After all, God is a person."

  • "We received Jesus because we were weak, and that's how we follow him... We forget that helplessness is how the Christian life works."

  • "Prayer is bringing our helplessness to Jesus."

  • "Strong Christians do pray more, but they pray more because they realize how weak they really are."

  • "Weakness is the channel that allows us to access grace."

  • "You don't need self-discipline to pray continuously; you just need to be poor in spirit."

This is gold I tell you. GOLD!

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