Monday, April 6, 2009

My Abundance and God's

In the gospel, God invites me to meet him at the cross, where an eternally binding transfer takes place. God brings his abundance. And I bring mine. However, my abundance is that of need, and his is that of provision. I bring my abundance of sin, and he brings his abundance of grace (propitiation, forgiveness, the imputation of Jesus' righteousness, adoption, the gift of the Holy Spirit, hope, peace, joy, etc.). Part of the glory of that transaction is that when I first brought my abundance, it included not only my known, but also my unknown sin; not only my past and present sin, but also my future sin. When Jesus said, "It is finished," he meant finished. And so now the Father calls me to live out of the abundance that is mine as a free gift in the gospel. I am no longer to be a fearful pauper, but a believing son. "And so Father, help me to understand and embrace the abundance of your grace. Set me free from guilt and a life of penance. Let me glory in Jesus."

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