Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Keller on Reaching College Towns

In a recent article in ByFaith Magazine, Dr. Tim Keller says:
"We must give high priority to finding ways to minister in three areas: universities, big cities and ethnically diverse situations. College towns are incubators where we can learn how to address the ideas of the rising culture…we must go to the university towns, big cities, and the ethnically diverse places because there we will learn to understand and reach America’s future."
Since Dr. Keller, one of my living heroes, usually speaks on the importance of city ministry, it is refreshing and encouraging to hear him emphasize the significance of college town ministry (even if it is a small town) as a strategy of reaching and shaping the future landscape of the church and culture. Ministering to the campus is one of the primary areas of focus for the Dahlonega Church Plant.


Jay Smorey said...

I really like Keller's comment. I think another point is that ministering in a university/college atmosphere keeps the church from unintentionally becoming functionally secondary separatists. It keeps us on our toes and it keeps us honest, and hopefully keeps humbly driving us back to Scripture.

McKay Caston said...

Yes. Good point.