Monday, December 29, 2008

True Sanity

This just in from Dave McCarty, a friend who, like me, is learning little by little what it means to live as a grace-dependent child of the Father.
"I know I'm sane when I don't know, and I don't care: when I have a healthy indifference to all the things that charm me most, that cause me to obsess, be intense, hurried. And instead, find Jesus enough for me, find His salvation and His priceless unconditional love for the likes of me, sufficient for my day. DependentDave doesn't know what's best for him, and those he loves, and doesn't even mind not knowing, because he wasn't created for independence."
Like Dave McCarty, as well as the Apostle Paul (2 Cor. 12:7-10), I was created to live by faith as a dependent child of a strong, wise, sovereign, love-filled Father. It is when I try to be strong in myself that I get crushed by fear and stress. So today, at least for a little while, I hope to experience some sanity by living as DependentMcKay, knowing that God knows best and has shown his wisdom, power and love perfectly in the cross of Jesus.

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